Service & Support
Discover the wide range of services from Häfele - structured and clearly sorted by topic
Here at Häfele, we know that you can’t do it all alone. And no one should ever expect you to. That’s why we offer a wide range of resources and services to support the industry with exactly what they need to bring their projects to life. So whether it’s a need for catalogs and brochures to determine product selections, our Service+ with custom solutions, one of our Design Tools to give expert guidance or even Service+ Repack to make at home or jobsite assembly easier, we’re here to help.
Service+ by Häfele – Planning. Customization. More.
The concept of Häfele’s Service+ is simple – offer more and add value. What exactly does that mean? Well, it could be practically anything. Custom projects deserve convenient, custom solutions – that’s exactly what Service+ is all about. Service+ offers a broad range of versatile products which improve efficiency and project planning.